Wednesday, October 11, 2006

world trade center

today, woke up at 4pm ... then had a regular day until kw called and eventually went to vivo city to catch a movie ...

we watched world trade center ... i feel that it was a very nice movie depicting two of the policemen who were trapped inside the building when it collasped ...

it is a movie showing the importance of determination despite the worst of conditions you might be facing ... there were lots of touching parts which is really meaningful showing the emotions when your loved ones are trapped inside ...

another thing i had to mention and i am very ashamed by was when a teenager (after the show ended) in the toilet, said out loud,' wa ! those two guys must have money flowing into their pockets... like that i also want to be trapped inside... can stay inside and read comics ... (in mandrin) ...

i feel that what he said was extremely insensitive ... if you think that you are going to survive the debris falling on you, the thick dust , suit yourself ! but please do not think that what actually happened was fun ... thousands died for nothing ! they were supposed to still be living !

please respect both the policemen ... they did not go in thinking that it was going to be fun ! they dont get paid extra for going into the building trying to save their fellow people either!

only 20 people survived the topple ... it is a sad thing to know...

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